About Taobao

Taobao is a Chinese Online Shopping Website based in Hangzhou and owned by Alibaba. Taobao is the world’s biggest E-commerce website visited by the customers for shopping and product reviews. According to Alexa, Taobao stands in The 8th position for the most visiting website. Taobao was found in 2003 and was registered by Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd. Today, the Taobao website has become the market leader as Taobao has maintain its position on the top.

Usually, it allows sellers to sell the product having fixed-price or putting up those in the auction, and customers will select the suitable merchants based on ratings, feedback, and reviews. In case, you are ordering from Taobao, they are providing their payment app name Ali Pay for payment whether you are in China or other countries.

The website was found by Alibaba Group in 2003. Taobao is mainly focusing on C2C (Consumer to Consumer) business with the main objective of shopping the eBay extension in China. They are into retail platforms for small business and individual entrepreneurs who are opening the online stores that mainly cater to a consumer in Chinese-speaking regions, and they are doing payment through online cellphone accounts. The store usually offers express delivery-services to the client.

Over 1 Billion products are listed since 2016, the combined transaction volume of Taobao Marketplace and Tmall was 3 Trillion yuan in 2017. In 2008, Taobao declared as a newly dedicated B2C platform called Taobao mall to complement the C2C marketplace. Taobao mall set its destination for the brand name goods for Chinese consumers. Taobao mall launches its independent web domain.

Taobao Product Data Scraping Services

Facts & Figure

  • The Daily Active users of Taobao are 299 million in the year 2019, and Taobao general merchandise sale in FY is 5.7 trillion-yuan in 2019.

  • Number of Idle Fish communities was 1.3 million in 2019 and number of Idle Fish Sellers was 60 million active users according to 2019 status.

  • There are 666 million of the people who are using Taobao monthly and there are around 601 million people who shops from Taobao annually includes mobile active shoppers.

  • The average amount spent by Alibaba Passport users on Tmall/Taobao is $45,000 according to 2016. 70% of Taobao monthly active users are in the age between 20 to 30 so all the teenagers are addicted to Taobao. 60% of the Taobao active users are under 30.

  • According to 2016 49% of the Taobao mobile users are men and 51% of the Taobao users are woman. Taobao is usually opened 7 times in a day from mobile app. While using Taobao mobile app you can put 19 items in the cart. There are around 10,000 people use Taobao Live.

Taobao Product Data Scraping Services

Scraping Web Data from Taobao

Web Screen Scraping Services provides the Best Taobao Data Scraping Services to do web scraping from Taobao. You can also scrap the data of Taobao and Tmall product information and you will get all Taobao data information in different structure formats like XML, CSV, PDF, and JSON, and you can Scrape price and volume data from TMall and Taobao.

You can use Taobao Web Scraping services for Taobao Drop Shipping or you can export data from the Taobao website to your store.

We generate data files in the format mentioned above, and you can also import Taobao data into the online store which is made in Shopify, Woo Commerce, PrestaShop, or open Cart, etc.

listing of data Fields

Web Screen Scraping Services scrape the following data fields from Taobao Product Data Scraping Rankings.

  • Product Title
  • Product Description
  • Product URL
  • Product ID
  • Name/# Post
  • Price (Original)
  • Price (Special)
  • Image Url
  • Barcode (EAN, Gtin Etc)
  • Item ID
  • Seller Overall Rating
  • Product Rating
  • Items Number
  • Variations
  • SKU
  • Categories
  • Cart
  • Login
  • Item Sold
  • Reviews
  • Product Image
  • Seller Details
  • Promotional Details
  • Star Ratings
  • Discount Price

As a well-experienced Data Scraping Services Provider, Web Screen Scraping has a strong technical background with skilled domain expertise and providing the best services for data scraping requirement. Web Screen Scraping Services deal with SLAs and always provide what is guaranteed in the agreement of Taobao Data Extractor, that’s the reason why most of the clients are with us for many years, and we have a dedicated support staff to assist you to get the best web data.

Scraping data can help extremely well in finding new strategies. Getting Suitable data for Web scraping from Taobao, so that you will be able to sell extra money-making products from a scraped list.

Data regarding the product consist of a name, product title, item id, categories easily scrap the product data from webpage and database. The webpage is having the most recent and updated information which can be pulled out for the Product Data Extraction services. Many users hire Taobao Product Data Scraping Service from Web Screen Scraping Services to scrap data from different websites.


Why Choose Us?

  • Web Screen Scraping Services support more than 100 top websites and our pricing is also quite modest with startups and with other companies.

  • Using our Taobao web scraping services, you can extract millions & millions of data scraping from Taobao and Tmall.

  • Web Screen Scraping Scraps Taobao Product Data from a website that is available on the website from that you can do Product Data Extraction Services. We provide the best Taobao Product Data Scraping Services in UAE, USA, UK, Germany, Australia.

  • We know all the data scraping projects are different as per the client’s requirement, so we have customized the requirement and giving them special attention to the customers’ requirements, and that’s the reason many projects like Taobao Product Data Scraping Services get adapted to cope with precise requirements.

  • Contact Web Screen Scraping for all your Taobao Product Data Scraping Services requirements or ask for a free quote.


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